It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas!


It’s the beginning of December and things have settled in quite nicely at the LPCC.  We have started developing a daily routine, volunteers are feeling more at home, and we’re even ready for Christmas.  🙂

Looking back at the past month, there’s been some exciting things!  We’ve been able to see 6 different clients, each with her own very different story.  One young girl named Jennifer* came in with her aunt, only a few weeks pregnant.  She was able to sit down with a peer counselor, and have a conversation about her options.

Melinda* came in looking for a pregnancy test, and through her initial interview revealed that in the past two years she’d placed a baby for adoption and had 2 abortions.  Melinda didn’t have a relationship with the potential father, and was quite relieved to see a negative result.  However, through ongoing conversation with her peer counselor, Melinda is starting to work through some of her grief issues, including her abortion experience.  To be able to be there for these young women, and others like them is such a privilege, and exactly why the LPCC exists.

As you prepare for Christmas, what are some of your traditions?  Some of your favorite memories?  Do they involve family together, or certain meals?  Perhaps it’s a certain Christmas album while you set up the Christmas tree, or a traditional snack on Christmas Eve.  Or maybe your Christmas tradition involves serving someone else?

One family that we know does a service project each Christmas, teaching their children about giving to others, and this year they chose the LPCC to benefit from their family giving.  They had a great time, purchasing new baby items to add to our growing layette room –  new clothing, soothers, pampers and more that we will be able to give to new moms when they have their babies.

As you consider your year-end giving, please remember the LPCC.  There are many different ways for you to give, including material donations, as well as financially through monthly support or a one-time gift.

*Names and details have been changed to protect client identities.